Tag: lock

Moving into a new home can be an excitable time for us all, the eagerness to finally recreate your Pinterest home ideas into your own is becoming too much to bare! This readiness to move in often takes over, pushing the more important checks to the back of our mind. We’re here to give you […]

If you are going on holiday or for a weekend away then it is vital to check the security of your home. On average 60% of burglaries occur whilst nobody is at home so we have compiled a check list to improve your home security whilst you are away. 1. Cancel papers or milk deliveries Piled […]

Over time locks can deteriorate and problems such as rust can occur, as well as being unsightly this can make the lock weaker and easier to tamper with. Rust is an iron oxide and is formed by the reaction of iron and oxygen with water or air moisture. In most metals derived from iron such […]